Enough is enough. Stop the fight. Stop denying it ... you are cheats and liars and that is the culture you have developed and lived in for years and it will only change when an actual punishment lands and sticks.

Bellichik is a clown and a pompous jackass so it's easy to dislike him.  I'm not writing this because of that.  I'm writing this because this team cannot stop cheating.

According to ESPN's "Outside the Lines" not only did Robert Kraft and Bill Bellichik admit to league owners and coaches on April 1, 2008 that they cheated, but they apologized for it.

Here is the deal I hate Boston sports teams, I hate Big boring Bill and I want to hate Tom Brady, but cannot because he is awesome in every way.

This team will do anything to get an edge up to and including: deflating balls, taping opposing practices, stealing play sheets, using powerful friends to cover it up and throwing low level involved employees under the bus to protect themselves.

Bill is the guy ... I truly believe he is the mastermind and because of his success he is taking his owner, QB, commissioner and employees on a ride that will eventually end in serious embarrassment for all of them.

It will be many years before we figure out the actual truth and how deep it goes and by then most people won't care. The players involved will be retired and fat, the employees will be gone, the commissioner if he keeps it up will be working for GE or IBM and the QB will be the one who will have to answer these allegations for the rest of his life.

I honestly did not care about all these allegations for the longest time but this organization has been so brazen about cheating that it's almost like they have been daring someone to come after them and a storm is a comin'.  I hope they get toasted.  ALL OF THEM.

Also I hate them for this. I'm a Raiders fan.

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