Lego and Movie Fanatic? Help the Prospector Theater in Ridgefield
If you don't know about the Prospector Theater in Ridgefield, like me until recently, get to know it. It's a movie theater with an awe-inspiring mission. The Prospector was founded with the purpose of employing adults with disabilities, providing them with meaningful employment, allowing for a higher quality of life.
Based on their mission alone, this is the only movie theater that I want to give my movie money. I can only imagine the thrill that an employee, or "Prospect" as employees are referred to, feels when they are hired. Just really thinking about that makes me choke up. It's vital to feel wanted and needed in this lonely world. It's visionaries like Prospector's founder Valerie Jensen that are truly making this world better.
In addition to the first-run movies that play at the Prospector daily, they have special events for the public. An upcoming event caught my eye, a Lego Film Festival, it's happening on Saturday February 4 at 10AM. No, this isn't a showing of The Lego Movie, the Prospector wants original submissions from you.
So, if you've ever wanted to re-create your favorite movie scene with Legos, this is your first step on your path to be the next Scorsese. Or, if you have an original Lego screenplay, this is your first step on your path to be earn your SAG card.
There are no guidelines as far as content goes, besides, obviously, the film must be original Lego-themed, family friendly, and be between one and five minutes in length. If you think you've got a good one, submit it to jeff.bonistalli@prospectortheater.org by Midnight on Sunday January 29. Good luck!
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