JR Hedrick Will Perform at the Ethan and Lou 10th Anniversary Special
JR Hedrick AKA "Intern Jimmy Hendrix" will be on stage with us at the Ethan and Lou 10th Anniversary show at the Ridgefield Playhouse on Friday, August 18th. Get your tickets now for just $15.
JR, for those who don't know, was an intern on the Ethan and Lou Show for about three years. He became much more than that for us in his time by writing bits and producing audio.
Long before we met Jimmy, he was an accomplished musician. Since leaving theEthan and Lou Show, he has continued to pursue his music career and has written two books, Boomslang and Dire Stakes. Both of JR's books are available in paperback on Amazon.
More important than all that, Jimmy is one of my closest friends, and someone I want in my foxhole when it all goes down. Before you get to thinking that I am putting him on the show because we are friends and I am doing him a favor, you might want to hear his music:
After watching that, you now know that it's him who is doing us a favor by sharing his music on stage at our 10th Anniversary special.
JR is not all we have that night. We will be joined by stand up comedian RC Smith and our house band, The Doug Wahlberg Band feat Rick Tedesco. Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton will be on stage with a memorable appearance, and Ethan James will share his amazing music. Do not miss this night out. We are going to put on a great show, make you laugh, hear great music, and have cocktails. What more could you ask for?