This is not a German thing...this is a guy thing.  Guys we are just dumb.  We like to test our physical boundaries often at our own peril.  Every time a guy does something really stupid it is always preceded by these words: "hey man, watch this."  Those words are never followed by a guy doing something bright.  NEVER.

The ice did not give.  Not even a little bit.  I love the pregame dance that we get out of this knuckle head.  You will notice that his buddies are laughing before and after.  You will also notice that they made no attempt to stop him from doing this.  So they were were laughing before which means they knew it was a terrible idea and nothing.  You don't have to speak German to know that they did not try and stop him.  Stupid is a universal language.  This is what guys do.  They can see their best friend about to do something that will take a chunk out of his rear end and they say go ahead.

I've seen a lot of injury videos from Germany.  The only common thread in each one is that the guys are either totally naked or in their underwear.  Is that a cultural thing?  They insist on being naked when they head out into the cold to hurt themselves badly.  I have to find someone who speaks German to translate for me because I need to know what the guy is saying in his speech beforehand.  It could not be anything very smart I tell you that much.


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