Donuts Worth the Road Trip – Neil’s Donuts in Wallingford
I've heard about Neil's Donuts in Wallingford, CT over the past year or so, but had never been. My buddy Pete recently posted on Facebook:
Why did I just drive to Neil's Donuts and buy a dozen, when I could have just bought two? Why will I be crying into an empty box soon?
Talk about piquing a fat man's interest
So, Mrs. Large and I made the short trip (for us) to Neil's Donuts, which is located at 83 North Turnpike Road in Wallingford. It's near the intersection of 4 major roads in Central Connecticut: I-91, 691, Rt. 5 and Rt. 15. The building is nothing to look at, it could have been a convenience store or whatever in the past. What you will notice now is a steady stream of cars parking willy-nilly around the joint.
There were probably 30-40 people squished into Neil's on this Sunday morning. We scored a prime parking spot directly in front. We looked at each other with hesitation since it looked to be as busy as a Friday night at Pepe's on Wooster St., but we decided to tough out the crowd. Let me tell you, I'm very glad that we did, because the employees at Neil's are fantastic. We were in and out, through that sea of people, in less than 5-10 minutes. Bravo kids, you are seriously working your asses off.
Neil's features a rotating slew of over 30 flavors of donuts, all of your favorites and more. We got a dozen assorted. Wow. Believe the hype. A direct quote from my wife--"The Key Lime Donut is the best donut I've ever had." No BS, this was straight from the heart, even better than Dottie's in Woodbury.
Ricotta-stuffed Zeppoles, Eclairs, beautiful cookies, assorted danishes, muffins, coffee cakes, and breakfast sandwiches, among many other things, are available. Neil's donuts are the stars. My friend's swear that Neil's Boston Creme is the best in the world. Unfortunately, the world knows that, but not me, there weren't any available when we got to the front of the line.
Neil's Donuts serves up some of the finest in the state of Connecticut. Well worth the drive if you are as in love with great concoctions and confections as I am lately.
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