Danbury, Brookfield Police Departments Issue Statements On Storm
As cleanup and damage assessment work begins this morning after yesterday's storm, local police departments are getting the word out about efforts. There's a lot of good information here.
The Danbury Police Department issued the following statement this morning:
Public works and all public safety agencies are fully staffed and working on cleanup efforts. Be advised, however that any trees with wires tangled in them can not be cut until Eversource ensures that it is safe. We hope that Eversource crews will arrive in the city soon. PLEASE STAY CLEAR OF ALL DOWNED WIRES!!
Please monitor our social media outlets for updates throughout the day. All manpower are currently focused on restoration and clean-up efforts.
Brookfield Police also issued their update:
Emergency and utility crews worked from the onset of the storm until approximately 03:00am.
During the overnight hours, our objectives were to begin house to house wellbeing checks, work with Eversource CT, Brookfield Public Works and emergency crews to clear paths for emergency vehicles and to gain an overall view of the extent of the damages.
Numerous mutual aid departments responded from Litchfield, Hartford and Fairfield Counties.Fire/EMS and State of CT resources operating in Brookfield overnight included:
• 1 Engine Company Strike Team
• 1 Rescue Company Strike Team
• 1 EMS Strike Team
• USAR - State of CT Urban Search & Rescue
• 1 ATB/UTV All terrain vehicle Strike Team
• Fairfield Country Coordinators
• Litchfield County Coordinators
• CT West Incident Management Team
• State of Connecticut DOTOver 160 emergency personnel from over 20 different agencies assisted in operations.
As of 06:00am new crews have arrived and operations are continuing until access to all affected areas has been gained. Using ATV/UTV is currently the only way to get around the hardest hit areas of town.
Crews from Massachusetts and New Hampshire are on their way and will be put to work as soon as they arrive.
After life safety, opening all road is our priority. After access to all roads has been gained, cruise will work to restore power. Please understand that we expect this to be a multi-day event. We are in the process of opening a shelter in town for showers, electricity needs and things of that nature. We will advise where this shelter is located once we determined opening it is feasible.
The Still River Greenway is CLOSED until further notice.
Thank you for your cooperation, we will update you as soon as possible.
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