Watertown’s Postponed ‘Town Wide Tag Sale’ Returns October 3
If you're a Watertown resident, and you've spent the spring and summer of 2020 mostly inside like the rest of us, I'm sure you've realized that you have WAY more things than you really need. I think I spent most of April going through my kitchen cabinets and cookware, and realizing that I don't need half the stuff I got. Large, public indoor gatherings are still not possible at this time, but, socially-distant outdoor events can be announced, and carried out. So, with that said, Watertown has held regular town-wide tag sales over the years, they had one scheduled for earlier this year, but, pandemic. So, it's finally "safer", and they're doing it the first weekend in October.
The Watertown Parks and Rec Department announced on their Facebook account that the Town Wide Tag Sale is happening Saturday, October 3, 2020 (rain date Sunday, October 4, 2020), from 7AM to 3PM. This is an awesome way to keep the community together. Each home and business involved, will have their tag sale at their own location. They've also announced that anyone interested in being involved should complete a registration form prior to 4:30PM on Monday September 28, 2020. There is a $25.00 fee, and it needs to be mailed to the Watertown Parks & Recreation Department at 61 Echo Lake Road in Watertown, CT, 06795. If you have any questions, you can call them at 860-945-5246, go online at watertownctrecreation.com, or fax your entry to 860-945-4737
They have also announced safety regulations that will be taking place during these yard sales. Each person that chooses to have a yard sale will follow regulations presented by CDC. Crowd control is recommended, where at least one person keeps a head count while the yard sale is going on. Also, yard sale organizers are encouraged to arrange their items in a way that won't have crowds at tables. Masks are required, especially if your yard is small and it is difficult to maintain six feet distancing guidelines. Additionally, all payments should be as contactless as possible. Venmo, or another payment method, is recommended.
I've been thinking about renting a space to unload all of my mismatched socks and random radio station schwag that I've accumulated over the years. I wonder if anyone in Oakville would buy my old CCC stickers, 99 Rock shirts, or my Billy Idol sheet music? Mayhaps we'll see on October 3?

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