We come across a lot of requests here at the radio stations, most are for songs, or "What the hell is happening on Rt. 7?". It's not too often that I see a request on social media for deer heads. Yes, that kind of deer head. First, let's get this straight, it's not us here that wants or needs them, it's the State of Connecticut's Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, (CT DEEP), that wants your deer head. Connecticut's Bureau of Natural Resources, Connecticut Fish and Wildlife posted this to their Facebook page

Basically, area hunters, the CT DEEP Wildlife Division is collecting deer heads from the deer that you harvest in order to test for chronic wasting disease (CWD). Connecticut typically tests from right now through the January. So, if you are a deer hunter, bookmark this article for the 2020-2021 season, if you feel like you may have an extra head to spare. Your deer head will be tested free-of-charge during the collection period. Prior to testing, the deer head should be kept cool, but don't freeze it. From there, call Timothy McKinney, Contractor for the Wildlife Management Institute at the Wildlife Division, at 860-418-5989

According to the CT DEEP's website, Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a disease of the brain and nervous system in deer, elk, and moose, that attacks their brains, and produces lesions that lead to death. CWD was first recognized in captive mule deer in Colorado in the late 1960s, and poses a huge threat to North American deer. In a new regulation for the 2020 CT deer hunting season, the DEEP has announced that all use of natural deer urine products is prohibited. CWD can spread through exposure to infected deer urine, and this new regulation safeguards our native deer population.


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