It's my turn to be the old guy yelling at the youngsters. Hey kid, those Bird electric scooters that are all over Naugatuck are cool right? Don't leave them on the sidewalk, or blocking a driveway, or on the side of the road, etc, pick up after yourself damnit.

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It's true, right? Have you noticed that happening around town? Ever since Naugatuck partnered up with Bird and unleashed their rentable electric scooters around town earlier this summer, the complaints have started to stack up.

The Naugatuck Police Department has posted a couple of updates for residents, the most recent went up today. It's a reminder of who to call if there is a technical or mechanical issue (Mobil App Community Mode on the Bird app), or if there's a parking issue (E-mail the borough of Naugatuck support email @ or call 866-205-2442). The NPD also reminds residents that if they're in an emergency situation with a scooter, call 911.

At .42 cents a minute, I'm guessing that the average ride lasts 10-15 before you start thinking time is money. Some of the commenters on the NPD post have mentioned that they've seen underage riders. According to the NPD: Only licensed drivers 18 or older are supposed to operate them, there are several 'No Ride' zones around town, including the Naugatuck Green, and if you ride the scooter inside one of these 'No Ride' zones, it will become inoperable. This is my guess for the problems that residents are already complaining about, a kid unwittingly rides into a 'No Ride' zone, the scooter dies, and they just leave it there.

Growing pains, this will all wash out, the scooters are a good thing.

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