Swastika Carved Into Tree In Redding, Town Looks for Answers
A story like this never ceases to amaze me, even though I know it shouldn't, because unfortunately, a lot of people suck.
I guess I'll just never be able to wrap my head around anyone harboring such hate that they feel the need to act out in such a disgusting manor. But we see it time and time again. Sadly the residents of Redding are the most recent victims of an act of hate. This posting was made on the Facebook page for the Town of Redding:
Again, if you have any information, or know someone who does, you are urged to call the Redding Police Department at 203 - 938 - 3400
I long for the day when people in our country cease spewing such hatred. Not that I believe that those responsible for such acts will step forward and answer the question that we posted in a recent blog after a similar incident occurred in Ridgefield. But I'll pose it again. What is it about Judaism that fuels your hate?
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