A Question to Those Who Drew the Swastikas in Ridgefield
Isn't America better than this?
I would like to pose a question to those who recently drew swastikas on the Masonic Lodge and the Aldrich Museum in Ridgefield. What is it about Judaism that fuels your hate?
Is it because you were brought up in a family that was anti-semitic? Is it because being Jewish is different than being whatever you stand for? Or is it just an imbecilic prank? I would sincerely like to know.
According to the Ridgefield Press, five swastikas were drawn on doors and signs at the Aldrich Museum and the Masonic Temple. Ridgefield First Selectman, Rudy Marconi told the Ridgefield Press:
I'd like to catch the individual involved myself, I feel so strongly about this.
In a recent article in the Washington Post, Yale University social psychologist, Jennifer Richeson stated:
In some ways, it's super simple. People learn to be whatever their society and culture teaches them.
Marconi thinks that it may be a juvenile who's responsible. If that's the case then maybe the individual(s) was looking for some trouble to get into after getting wasted on a Friday night and thought it would be cool to draw racist symbols on town buildings.
I feel sorry for individuals who carry hate in their hearts because they were brought up with preconceived notions about race and religion. As Mario Balotelli once said:
Racism springs from ignorance.
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