Recreational Marijuana Available in Massachusetts On Memorial Day
I was scrolling through my Instagram last night, and all of a sudden photo after photo of the good stuff started showing up. On a good day, there are a couple of people that mention the weed, but not this many in a row. I made a couple of clicks and came across an announcement by Theory Wellness out of Great Barrington, stating that yesterday officials in Massachusetts had decided that adult recreational sales of marijuana were going to resume as of Memorial Day Monday May 25.
The legal marijuana stores throughout Massachusetts have been shut down to adult recreational use since March 24, when Massachusetts Governor Baker issued the non-essential business closure at the beginning of the pandemic. Some stores were able to remain open as essential businesses though, serving registered adult medical marijuana patients.
As of Memorial Day Monday May 25, the shops will be able to sell the funky skunky once again through curbside pickup, or walk up only, according to The Boston Globe . You won't be able to enter the stores as of yet, they will remain closed to the general public for now.
I have to say that I've smelled the 'warm smell of colitas rising up through the' Waterbury 'air' MUCH more often through this coronavirus quarantine. It's really only about 60 miles up Rt. 7 and Rt. 63 from either Danbury or Waterbury to get to your choice of around 5-6 legal shops in the very nearby Berkshires. It's only a matter of time before the funny named strains start showing up on the streets. Awwww duuuude, that's some kind Amherst Isolation. Sprinkle some Lush Cottonelle Reserve keef into the bone bruh.
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