Connecticut Middle School Teacher Cancels Muslim Speaker After Receiving Angry Comments
A middle school teacher in Connecticut thought that inviting a Muslim woman into her classroom to explain her religion would be a good idea. Apparently, many others would disagree.
According to the Hartford Courant, because of the vitriolic comments on social media and possible threatening phone calls, Bristol, CT school officials have canceled the Muslim woman's scheduled appearance. I checked a bunch of different reputable websites, including the ICNA, which is the Islamic Circle of North America. They stated:
The killing by ISIS of journalists, aid workers, or common citizens is nothing less than treacherous - entirely contrary to the teachings of Islam.
My question to this is why are individuals in Bristol freaking out over the possibility of an actual Muslim trying to educate middle school students that Islam is a peaceful religion — much like Christianity and Judaism — with the exception of a tiny percentage of radical fanatics? Or is it that we shouldn't allow the teachings of any type of religion into a public school classroom?
Maybe we should learn the principles and the true meaning of Islam before we blame all radical extremist attacks on each and every peace-loving Muslim.
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