Look, Up In The Sky – The Supermoon Arrives This Weekend
It's a bird, it's a plane, nope, it's the Supermoon.
Heads up kids. The weather looks good, the temperatures not frigid, and I've got your plan for Supermoon gazing this weekend.
Welcome to the first full weekend of December. In Connecticut the forecast overall is pretty good. No snow expected, and the temperatures are decent. If you want to head out in the early morning hours to look up in the sky, you certainly won't be totally freezing your butt off.
Why, you ask, am I suggesting you head outdoors at the ass crack of dawn? It's Supermoon time baby, that's why.
It’s been a year since the visible Supermoon last adorned the sky, and the full moon was closest to the Earth. This Sunday, Dec. 3, the Supermoon will amaze once again and this time it will and swing approximately 16,500 miles closer than usual.
For a sweet back story about all things sky related you can go to space.com
Experts say that we're in luck because the Dec. 3rd Supermoon will appear 7% bigger and 16% brighter than the average full moon. Plus, this time of year, the Earth is closer to the sun, and the sun’s gravity tugs the moon closer to the Earth. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, this Supermoon will look larger than during other times of the year.
So, to go along with this "head up" info, you can check for your local moonrise by going online to timeanddate.com
And if perhaps it's too cold or cloudy out to see the Supermoon, I have the solution. You can click on virtualtelescope.eu for information about their free, live webcast. You can connect via the internet on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
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