Residents Weigh-In on New Milford’s New Roundabout
Quite often, Lou and I invite our listeners to weigh in on the top issues of the day like that new roundabout in New Milford.
I recently wrote a blog about New Milford's new one-lane roundabout on Still River Drive where it meets Lanesville Rd. and Picket District Rd. It's a beautiful piece of construction boys and girls! The photo below is the intersection before the roundabout was constructed.
According to the Director of New Milford's Public Works Department, Mike Zarba, roundabouts are "proven to be safer" because they prevent T-bone collisions. How much to build it you might ask? The price-tag was $1.1 million and was paid for using a local Transportation Capital Improvement Program grant according to an article in the NewsTimes dated June 4, 2018. So Lou and I opened up the phones to ask what you thought about this exciting new one-lane roundabout in New Milford.
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