Danbury, Where Is The Best Food? The East Side or West Side?
Now, I know this can be tough for some of you, but I need you to listen. Let's not get carried away with how I zoned the city. If you are a cartographer or a Danbury historian who takes issue with how I split the city, please save it. This is a food blog about FOOD. Ethan and I will explain that again in this video clip:
Mill Plain Rd. AKA "Restaurant Row" on the west side of Danbury is a stand out when it comes to great food and it's been well documented. I mean, you have one good restaurant, deli and pizza place after another in just a few short miles. That kind of great food concentration will always get attention.
You have Mezon, Max 40, Rosy Tomorrow's, Della Francesca, Panda House — that is just to name a few of the many thriving food businesses in that area. Then, you mix in the mall area that has a great pizza place like Sinapi's, surrounded by a lot of the more popular chain restaurants.
Now on the East side you have Main Street, Padanaram, Germantown, White Street, etc. You have restaurants, pizza places and delis that are maybe a little more spread out, but certainly nothing to scoff at.
You have Mina's Carne, Atlantic Restaurant, Nico's Pizza, Pour Me Coffee and Wine Cafe, Auggie's, Pho Vietnam, The Cue, Jim Barberie's, Black Angus Grill, Amigo's Deli, etc.
I think we have ourselves a food throw down for ages here.
Again, we can only have this exciting food showdown discussion if it is not ruined by people who take issue with how the city was divided for the purposes of the conversation. If we get bogged down in that, I fear we will never have the fun we are all entitled to.
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