CT is Ranked in the Top 5 For Most Expensive Retirement States
Boom, we suck again.

I love Connecticut and I'm doing my level best to keep it nice, but my wallet is screaming and the horizon looks terrifying. Seniorly News set out to find the least expensive retirement states in America and in doing so, also identified the country's most expensive retirement spots. Let's start with the positive.
Top 5 Cheapest States for Retirement in the U.S.
1. Wyoming
2. Utah
3. Montana
4. Idaho
5. Virginia
Top 5 Most Expensive States for Retirement in the U.S.
1. Massachusetts
2. New York
3. Connecticut
4. New Jersey
5. California
We talked about this on the Tuesday (3/28/23) edition of the I-95 Morning Show, listen below.
Some other key findings included:
- While Florida is popular with retirees, its not the best place to retire from a financial perspective. The Sunshine State has a senior poverty rate of 11%. The Medicare spending level is high, according to the report, so FL is the 9th most expensive retirement state in America.
- 7 out of the 10 most expensive states are on the East Coast.
Look, this is no surprise to any of us that live here. The cost of living surpassed what is fair or reasonable a long time ago. Family, comfort and familiarity keep us here, but that can only last for so long. Since I don't want to leave you with a stale CT malaise in your mouth, let's do a list of the Best Things about CT:
1. Food (Especially Danbury)
2. Proximity to NYC & Boston
3. Charm
4. History
5. A 5,000 mile blob of seaweed is not headed to our coast right now. Sorry Florida.
I'm out after that but I tried to keep leave you with positive thought or two.
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