Every day, a number cruncher somewhere gathers up information and makes the determination that one city is safer than another. Well, it's happened again Connecticut, and our Capital City is reportedly now safer than a couple of neighbors to the North in Massachusetts.

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According to the 2023 list of America's 100 Most Dangerous compiled by Neighborhoodscout.com, Hartford, Connecticut has fallen out of the Top 100, and two nearby cities in Massachusetts .

NeighborhoodScout.com's list is based on American cities with a population over 25,000, and the number of reported violent crimes per 1,000 residents. For 2023, Hartford fell off the list completely, but last year in 2022 Hartford was ranked as the 69th most dangerous city in the US, with a 1 in 100 chance of being a victim of violent crime. Nice improvement.


Holyoke, Massachusetts on the other hand was ranked as the 87th Most Dangerous City, with a 1 in 103 chance of being a victim. Holyoke didn't show up in the 2022 rankings. Is it time to clean up the Holyoke Mall? Pretty soon it will be Enfield. Speaking of Enfield, Springfield, Massachusetts landed as the 99th Most Dangerous City for 2023, with a 1 in 103 chance of being a victim of a violent crime. That's an improvement over last year for Springfield, which was ranked as the 76th Most Dangerous City in the US for 2022.


What's the Most Dangerous City in the USA for 2023 according to Neighborhoodscout.com? Monroe, Louisiana - with an incredible 1 in 34 chance of being a victim. Holyoke and Springfield are the only two cities in all of New England on their list.

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