2 Controversial Connecticut Laws That Many Drivers Ignore
Here's a simple question for any Connecticut resident who drives a vehicle. During the cold months of winter, do you start your vehicle and let it warm up before you pull out of your driveway? Yes or no?
My answer is 100% YES! So, just for the hell of it, I decided to find out if Connecticut has implemented any law concerning idling vehicles. There it was on the Connecticut website, portal.ct.gov, which states it's illegal to idle your car for more than three minutes, even if it's in your driveway.
Little do Connecticut lawmakers know or care that I drive a 2003 Hyundai Elantra that sat in an underground garage in the Bronx for several months before it became my 'commuting car.' If I choose to be warm while driving to the I-95 studios from New Fairfield at 5 am, this beater car needs to run for 30 minutes before any heat begins to disseminate throughout the vehicle. Unfortunately, the smell of power steering fluid is also prevalent as this piece of s**t car continues to idle.
At 5:15 a.m. on a weekday, I was confidently driving along I-84 on my way to work at I-95. The rush hour traffic had not yet begun when a small lowrider sedan with a muffler that roared like a motorcycle or a race car zoomed past me on the right. It was clear that two vehicles were racing as they sped by me—one on my left and one on my right—each pushing the speed limit. I estimated their speed at about 80 mph. OK, maybe 90 mph. Check out this YouTube video produced by 'Almighty Guappo.'
According to the website cga.ct.gov, state law requires all vehicles to be equipped to prevent unnecessary noise, which includes modified mufflers or any device that amplifies a vehicle's dissonance. A driver who ignores this law can be fined $78 for each offense. This got me thinking about why drivers need a vehicle that sounds like a race car or motorcycle. To obtain some answers, I visited the Connecticut Reddit website for feedback...
The question was, "Some drivers intentionally modify their mufflers to produce as much noise as possible. What are these drivers trying to achieve?
"'Boggleislife' responded, "They think all the women who hear their obnoxiously noisy vehicles will want to have sex with them."
IsJustSophie commented: Carbrains be like: hummm cAr gO BrrRrRmmM...
Unknown: "I don't know, but they make me wish that I could get a few of those Javelin launchers that have been sent to Ukraine."
Raine386: I can't think of a more embarrassing "hobby" to have. 100 year old, outdated technology that is literally just farting. Extremely dangerous too.
Dio Yuji: It’s less embarrassing than telling everyone you have a small weiner.
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Gallery Credit: Lou Milano
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