Will Danbury Area Schools Extend the School Year?
School cancellations, especially from last week's storms have school administrators trying to figure out when to end the school year.
State law requires Connecticut schools to have students in the classroom for 180 days. With the storm last week combined with snow days, some school districts won't make it to 180 school days unless the school year is extended, so now what?
Some districts are thinking about asking the Board of Education for a waiver from the 180-day rule. The looming issues are high school graduation dates and the heat inside the schools near the end of June.
According to an article in the NewsTimes, state Department of Education, a spokesperson stated that school districts must do "everything they can" to meet that 180-day rule including the possibility of holding classes on Memorial Day. Two Madison schools have already extended their school year until June 26.
Is it that big of a deal if the school year in your district is extended a couple of extra days to comply with the 180-day rule? Is everybody rushing to go on vacation like they've been ordered to evacuate the state immediately? What would happen, if, in the future, the state extended the school year until July 3? Would there be riots in the street?
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