Warm Weather Set To Arrive Next Week In CT, NY
Spring has certainly taken its sweet time this year... but as some boy band once said, "it's gonna be May" pretty soon. With the new month comes a nice warm stretch next week.
According to most of the weather sites I checked, the weekend looks "OK" with temperatures in the 60's Saturday and 50's on Sunday. Cool temps continue into Monday. As soon as Tuesday and May hit, we'll be busting out the shorts and Jimmy Buffett CD's as productivity in the office hits a year low record. Look for a sunny stretch with temperatures hitting 80 in the area by Wednesday. Spring fever should be in full force right through next week. And to that we say "Amen!"
Here's the forecast:
Weekend: Partly Sunny, mid-60's on Saturday and mid-50's on Sunday
Monday: Sunny and cool, upper 50's
Tuesday: Sunny, low 70's
Wednesday: Partly sunny, high around 80
Thursday: Partly Sunny, upper 70's.
Apologies for the next picture. It was too great not to use. First person to complain about the heat gets it with the flyswatter.
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