The Home of Rock N' Roll has partnered with American Senior Magazine to give a nod of recognition to local seniors who've done their part in making Greater Danbury such an incredible place to live.
This week, we give a giant shout-out to Perry Shegirian from New Fairfield, who according to his daughter, Marie, is WWII Vet and was a loving husband to his wife.
This week we give a giant shout-out to Lynn Taborsak of Danbury, who according to her daughter, Julia, has always been an activist who fights for social justice for the most vulnerable, including children, immigrants, the poor and the homeless.
This week, we give a giant shout-out to Joel Levitt of Danbury, who according to his wife, Barbara is an outstanding husband, dad, and especially Pop to his three beautiful grandchildren.
The Home of Rock N' Roll has partnered up with American Senior Magazine to give a nod of recognition to local seniors who've done their part in making the greater Danbury area such an incredible place to live.
The Home of Rock N' Roll has partnered up with American Senior Magazine to give a nod of recognition to local seniors who've done their part in making the greater Danbury area such an incredible place to live.
The Home of Rock 'N' Roll has partnered up with American Senior Magazine to give a nod of recognition to local seniors who've done their part in making the Greater Danbury such an incredible place to live.
We're recognizing seniors who've made Greater Danbury an incredible place to live. This week, we give a huge shout out to Mindy Cass from New Fairfield.