Yeah, I admit it, I occasionally get sucked into the all day Harry Potter movie marathons. The movies provide an escape into a magical universe for a lot of people, and for even more, the books and entire Potter universe continue to resonate. Waterbury put on a successful Harry Potter Day last year, it included many in-person activities around the downtown area. With the pandemic happening, this year's event, although having to adapt to keep everyone safe, is still happening next Friday, July 31, 2020. Waterbury Mayor Neil O'Leary posted this to his official Facebook page yesterday

The fine print says that this year's event is a mix of online, and in-person events at Covid-safe businesses. It's happening Friday July 31 from 8AM until 4:30PM. Online festivities can be accessed by clicking HEREand they include readings from "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" by Stephanie Cummings, a magic show by Cyril the Sorcerer, and virtual games and puzzles. In-person events include "Free Fantastic Beasts Registration Forms" and other assorted items at Minutemen Press at 170 Grand Street, Butterbeer Lattes at City Pizza at 182 Grand St, a special "Magical Menu" at The Art of Yum at 146 Grand St, and finally a "Magic at the Palace" window display the the Palace Theater at 100 E. Main St.

They also remind everyone attending the downtown festivities to wear masks, maintain social distance, and to sanitize your hands.Now if they could only get a Quidditch Match going around the Rep-Am clock tower, that would be a party.

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