Not going to lie. I just skeeved big time thinking about rats. Here's why.

I'm kind of weird. Mice don't freak me out. We have then from time to time in our office, and I'm okay with it. Hey, it's not that I love it, but I also don't jump up on my chair and screech my lungs out!

But just the thought of rats makes my skin crawl, and I might even throw up a little bit in my mouth. So I'm creeped out even as I write this.

The New Haven Register is reporting that the Mayor of New Haven, Toni Harp says that more people have been complaining about these rotten rodents. Harp had this to say to

I am really concerned about the number of rodents...Every now and then, the rat population does seem to increase, but I think we need to figure out why. We recognize it and we’re going to try and do something about it

Harp says that the city is planning to address increasing complaints about more rats near bus stops and on the New Haven Green. Plus these suckers are reported to be pretty large. Ick for sure. The city does have a pest control company that they are working with and Harp also says she plans to contact that Yale School of Forestry to seek ideas on ways to deal with the issue.

Hey, much like New York City, there's some awesome pizza in New Haven. Perhaps the word has been spread around the rat community.



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