Mental Health First Aid Training Comes to New Milford
Have you ever wondered what you can do if you witness a person going through a crisis right before your eyes?
Experiencing someone having an anxiety attack or a mental health crisis can be uncomfortable, or even scary unless you're able to help that person out. This is where classes in Mental Health First Aid come into play. New classes have been added in New Milford on Nov. 12 and Nov. 19 at the New Milford Public Library from 1 to 5 pm. To register, simply click on
When Mindy and I realized our son, EJ (Ethan James) was suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder, we began seeing a therapist who specialized in BPD to learn how to talk with him so each conversation didn't turn into a confrontation.
Mental Health First Aid doesn't qualify you as an expert in the field, but it does train you on how to interact with a person in crisis and where to direct them to find help. New classes are planned for Torrington on Nov. 15, Waterbury on Nov. 18, and New Fairfield on Feb. 21, 2018. To find out if Mental Health First Aid classes are scheduled for your area, click on
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