Economist Says Danbury Is ‘the Envy’ of State’s Economy
Professional economist, Donald Klepper-Smith told the Danbury Chamber of Commerce, "Whatever you're doing, just keep on doing it."
The Ridgewood Country Club was the setting for the Greater Danbury' Chamber of Commerce's 2018 Economic Forecast breakfast according to an article on newstimes.com. Chief economist and director of research at DataCore Partners, Donald Klepper-Smith told the Chamber:
Whatever you guys are doing in the Danbury area, I wish you would share it with the rest of the state. You're an oasis. You're doing something different.
It's been reported on many times that under Governor Daniel Malloy the state of Connecticut is in huge financial trouble. Danbury is the shining star of the state with the lowest unemployment rate at 4.3% and the highest year-over-year job growth.
But wait, there's more! The state has recovered 82% of the jobs that were lost during the recession while Danbury has recovered 106% of those jobs. Klepper-Smith said that while job creation is what Danbury's all about, he can't say that about the rest of the state.
Mayor Boughton can be heard every Thursday morning at 9:20 on I-95's Ethan and Lou Morning Show.
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