Defense Attorney to Use PTSD as Part of Danbury Murder Trial
On May 3, 2014 Bridgeport resident, Jeiel Kingston, was shot and killed outside the Mambo Cafe on Elm Street in Danbury.
According to a number of articles in the NewsTimes, about three years ago, Danbury resident, Garfield Sanderson, was accused of gunning down Jeiel Kingston. Sanderson has claimed self defense in the shooting, and currently, his attorney is also offering evidence of PTSD.
On May 12, 2014, Sanderson was taken into custody by Danbury and Bridgeport detectives who also found two handguns at the suspect's apartment in Bridgeport during the arrest. Bond had been set at $1 million dollars.
Sanderson's trial has been plodding along for three years with assorted plot twists and drama conducive for a made for TV movie. Two others have also been arrested in connection with the shooting. A lover's quarrel has been brought into questioning along with an arrest for hindering prosecution. A mistrial was demanded, but denied by the court.
The most recent development in the trial is that Defense Attorney Michael Courtney has offered evidence that Sanderson is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) from a knife fight where Sanderson was stabbed a number of times during the summer of 2012. There is a distinct possibility that if this trial doesn't wrap up by June 1, there could be a mistrial. The plan is that closing arguments may begin on May 23.
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