Danbury A to Z — Associating Our Fine City With a Word for Each Letter
Danbury means so many things to so many people, and having to associate the city with a word for every letter in the alphabet was harder than I thought.
Danbury A-Z
A - Arrests - Danbury is a city just big enough to be a good time and small enough that you can read names you recognize in the police blotter. (Should have gone with ART, we have a lot of it and it's a more positive way to start)
B - Beards - The beard has been "IN" for awhile now and some of the most impressive ones I've ever seen are right here in Danbury. WAY to go growing facial hair, y'all!
C - Cash/Credit - Have it, you will need it.
D - Dance - There is an unusual amount of dancing going on in this city. It's my understanding that this is an expression of joy. I guess people are happy.
E - Entertainment - Live music, live events, we have them.
F - Food - I tell people all the time that I'd put Danbury's food scene against any city in Connecticut and N.Y. with the exception of New York City.
G - Giving people - I have seen this first hand for many years doing the morning show at I-95. We have been doing I-95's Camping for Cans for many years now, an event that benefits the Hillside Food Outreach. This is an organization that helps out the hungry in our local area. Every year, I get to be a first hand witness to the giving nature of the people of Danbury. I am always blown away to see families come out and make a donation even though they are struggling to get by.
H - History - Danbury has a rich one.
I - Iconic radio station - I-95, doing it big since 1863.
J - Juveniles - Delinquent ones, everywhere, on bikes up to hi-jinks.
K - Kale - Careful what you order, that vile weed is in everything. QUICK SIDE BAR - I have a theory about Kale and here it is: This was invented by the food companies like 10 years ago to trick us and make us spend unusual amounts of money on VEGGIES. I'm 39 and I first heard about Kale when I was 30. Anyone else remember hearing anything about Kale in like 1989? No you did not — it was not available.
L - Lake - Candlewood Lake is the BEST part of living in this area. I love it, I love a boat day, I love a lake day and people should stop saying there is nothing to do in this town.
M - Mayor Mark - Soon to be Governor, proud to call him my buddy.
N - No parking on the street during snow storms - The snow plows can't get through and clear us out if we are blocking the lane. Is this why they blast my mailbox off its friggin' post every storm?
O - Open mindedness - Danbury is a very diverse place, so this makes sense. I learned this in my mandatory corporate diversity training last week. Just kidding, I learned nothing from that AT ALL.
P - Pride - The people of Danbury are very proud. Even the people that are constantly bitching about Danbury are doing it because they are proud of where they live and want it to be the best it can be.
Q - Quinoa - The hottest grain out available at your local grocer. (This was laziness on my part, I'll admit it)
R - Rude driving techniques - Big shout out to the lady in the grey GMC Yukon who cut me off twice on Main Street yesterday. You are rude, lady, and you stink at driving.
S - Stores (Local Ones) - Remember that s--t? People used to have an idea, scrape together the money and open a local business and we were all better for it. Danbury is a city that encourages local business and some even thrive here. Shop local!
T - Traffic - We have a lot going on around town, but it takes me twenty minutes to get to something three miles away.
U - Unbelievably entertaining morning radio show - Small city, limited resources, smaller talent pool to choose from, you all hit the jackpot with the Ethan and Lou Show.
V - Vape shops - These are in every city. I take my business out of town for my vaping needs, more specifically to Grassy Plain Vape & Smoke in Bethel. By the way, I'll be broadcasting live there this afternoon (July 10) from 3:30-5:30. Make sure you stop by, say hi, buy stuff and spin the I-95 prize wheel.
W - WIDE array of fun - Most small cities or towns only organize social/public events that are family friendly. That's great and all, I'm a family man, but adults can only take so much face painting and bouncey houses before we need something fun for us.
X - X-IT 6 (Exit 6 off I-84) - Try explaining this to someone from out of town, it's bananas, I tell ya.
Y - Yellow tail sushi - There is not a bad sushi place in town and that is A-OK with me.
Z - Zillions of potholes - I mean, really just an absurd amount of potholes. There is no way to drive your car in this city without eventually becoming the victim of a pothole damaging your car.
Lemme know how I did, and hit me with some replacement words if the mood strikes.
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