Bethel Volunteer Fire Department to Host Benefit for Fire Victims
A couple of weeks ago, a 3-alarm fire displaced several families and businesses along Greenwood Avenue in Bethel. On Friday night, August 11, the Bethel Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a benefit event to help the victims of that fire.
The event will be held at the Bethel Municipal Center on School Street from 7-11 PM. The Fire Department will have many of their trucks and equipment on hand, and kids will be invited to check out and hop in the trucks. The Stony Hill Volunteer Fire Department will be on hand as well. There will be other kids' activities including face painting. Animals will be well represented with birds of prey from Christine's Critters, and "Maggie the Comfort K-9" from Newtown will be a special guest. The Rice & Beans and Green Grunion food trucks will be there, and there will be live music from Billy Michaels, Bruce Tibbits and Highway Robbery. There will also be several raffle prizes, with all proceeds going directly to the victims.
Here's the event page put together by the organizers. For more information, or if you would like to donate a raffle prize, please contact Chief Murphy at the Bethel Fire Department.
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