American Horror Story 1984 Cannot Be One and Done
American Horror Story changes it's theme each year but I'm not done with this one. They either need to make 1984 a spin-off or continue this story. I loved the debut season of American Horror Story and each year, I give each season a shot even if I don't care for the theme but will exit after three episodes if I don't like it. Here's how I would grade each season:
- "Murder House" (debut season) - A+
- "Asylum" - B-
- "Coven" - B
- "Freak Show" - A
- "Hotel" - F - Hated this season with a passion.
- "Roanoke" - F- Hated with more than a passion.
- "Cult" - D
- "Apocalypse" - B-
- "AHS 1984" - A+++++++++++++++++
AHS 1984 had it all, pulling on our nostalgia bone, scratching our Americana itch with a sleep-away camp story and backing every episode with a soundtrack for the ages. If the Producers of American Horror Story do what they have always done and go on to a new theme next year, it would be a grave mistake. You can get so much more out of this, the retro flavor of this theme is so hot, so ripe, so good right now. If they move on, the least they can do is give us a spin-off series. Please and thank you. Holla if you hear me.
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