Saturday April 6, 2019 is a day that will live in infamy in Ridgefield, CT.

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It's just about the three year anniversary of a fire on the Governor Park baseball field in Ridgefield, a fire that was set intentionally. The fire's purpose was to dry up the wet spots on the field, so a scheduled game between Ridgefield and Amity game could take place. Reports say 25 gallons of gasoline was used to start the fire and it quickly got out of control as cameras rolled.

The native video was originally posted to Twitter by @AmityNorton. From what I can gather, that source video has been deleted. The day of the fire, the Town of Ridgefield addressed the situation on their official Facebook page.

The incident soon caught the attention of the national media, with outlets like Sports Illustrated covering it. S.I. compared the Ridgefield fire to others like it and said Ridgefield could have avoided the situation if they'd just read their brief history of "idiots causing disasters by trying the same gasoline scheme."

In the end, the cost to repair the field was around $50,000 and no taxpayer dollars were used. Instead, anonymous donations covered the cost of the cleanup.

On April 9, 2019 (3 days after the fire) I wrote an article about this called: "2 Words That Will Make The Ridgefield Baseball Fire Story Go Away." In that article, I made the point that those two words were "My Bad." I said, if someone raises their hand to take credit and apologize, there is nothing else to say.

It's three years later and the person responsible has still not raised their hand, or apologized. You see, unlike Sports Illustrated, I don't think it's an idiotic mistake but it is a mistake. Mistakes fade away when people hold themselves accountable and apologize.

Since that never happened, we've made it a running joke on the Ethan and Lou Show. Every time Ridgefield comes up in conversation, I make a point to bring up the fire, I've been doing that for three years and I see no end in sight.

Today, I will extend the same opportunity I've been offering for the last three years, if you're the person responsible for the fire, come on the Ethan & Lou Show and take credit. It can be clean and simple, and once you make the admission, we will insist that the topic is put to rest. I don't mind a mistake but I can't tolerate a long-term cover up.

Wow, three years. Time flies when you're having fun.

We spoke about this multiple times on Friday's (3/25/22) Ethan & Lou Show, one was at 6:15 am

And the other was at 9:20 am.

P.S. Come on, now is the time to put this to bed. No one was hurt that day, and this can go away forever.

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