You Know It’s Baseball Season When You Hear Grandma and Grandpa on the Radio
The Dream team is back! John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman are here and ready to take us through another New York Yankees season. If you are a Yankee fan like me, you know who they are. You also know that should you have the misfortune of listening to the game on the radio, they will be your guide.
You know where to find them and if you have been listening as long as I have you know what they are going to say before they say it and "That is baseball Suzyn." No team is more relate able than this dynamic duo. From their musings of days gone past to their blind love of all things Yankees these two call a baseball game like no one else.
You have Sterling convincing you the ball has left the park when it's been caught in shallow left field. You get the amazingly riveting tales of Waldman's childhood and her experiences with the technology of her time like the wheel and shoes.
It's the stuff summer is made of and I would not have it any other way. Waldman started the year off strong yesterday in an interview with Joe and Evan on WFAN by saying prospect Clint Frazier requested the #7 when he finally gets his call up. Either that is the dumbest thing a Yankee player has ever said or the transmission is slipping in the Model T. If you're at the park this season and can't smell the fresh cut grass it's because the odor of moth balls and Flex All are drowning them out. Play ball everyone.
It's the blind leading the tone deaf.