World’s Largest Potato Coming To Connecticut
Would you like to go see a 6-ton potato? More of a statement than a question, I know. You're in luck as the World's Largest Potato will be rolling into CT tomorrow (August 22.)
The Big Idaho Potato will be rolling into Hartford, and making a stop at the Community Renewal Team offices on Windsor Street from noon to 4:00 PM. We're not just talking a big potato here. This bad boy is 28 feet long, 12 feet wide, nearly 12 feet tall and weighs about 12,000 pounds.
The potato's stop at the CRT offices is a fundraiser for their Meals on Wheels program. There will be food trucks on site, as well as the opportunity to learn about the Community Renewal Team's programs including Early Care and Education, YouthBuild, and Meals on Wheels.
I'm aware this sounds like a Chevy Chase line from one of the Vacation movies. "Come on kids, let's go see the giant potato!" However, my feeling is that if you have an opportunity to get a selfie with a 28-foot potato, you do it. I clearly need to get out more.
Here's the Facebook page about the event, with a photo of the giant potato in all its glory.
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