When Will It Be Your Turn to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine
Connecticut's Vaccine Advisory Committee recently met to decide who will be next to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Here's what we know so far, according to portal.ct.gov/coronavirus. The State is currently rolling out Phase 1A, which includes all health care personnel who have direct or indirect exposure to patients who have the virus; also included in Phase 1A are long-term care facility residents and first responders at risk of exposure to the coronavirus, such as EMT's, police, and fire department personnel.
The Phase 1A rollout will last until January or early February. Currently, prioritization beyond Phase 1A is being discussed by the Vaccine Advisory Committee and will be made public as soon as they've made their decision.
The million-dollar question is, "how do I get access to the vaccination once it's my turn?" According to ct.gov, access to vaccinations will be at pharmacies, doctor's offices, community health clinics, local health clinics, and through other providers. If you have a primary care physician(PCP), they will let you know when and where you can acquire the vaccine.
If you are not in a high-risk category, vaccinations are not expected to be available until this summer. For an in-depth description of Connecticut's COVID-19 response, click on portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus.
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