On February 11, 2020 the World Health Organization announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, first identified in Wuhan China. The new name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19. In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV”. There are many types of human coronaviruses including some that commonly cause mild upper-respiratory tract illnesses. COVID-19 is a new disease, caused be a novel (or new) coronavirus that has not previously been seen in humans. The name of this disease was selected following the World Health Organization (WHO) best practice for naming of new human infectious diseases.
Bethel Sharks Reveal Their True Identity Two Years Later
Find out who was inside those shark costumes in Bethel.
Everything You Need to Know About Getting Your Child Vaccinated in Connecticut
Is it a good idea to get your children vaccinated? The experts give a resounding, "YES!"
Classes Canceled at All Danbury Schools Due to Staff Shortages
All Danbury schools are closed Thursday and Friday.
Here’s Where You Can Get a COVID Booster Shot in Danbury
With new COVID-19 varients popping up every other month, the CDC is recomending everyone who's been vaccinated get their booster shot.
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Does your junk drawer say anything about your personality?
New Reports Ranks Connecticut Safest State During the Pandemic
If you live in Connecticut then apparently your living in the safest state during the COVID-19 pandemic.
California Mandating COVID Vaccine for Kids, Will CT Be Next?
Are you for or against mandating the vaccine for all CT students?
FDA Getting Closer to Approving COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids 5 to 11
The FDA is approximately one month away from approving a vaccine for
CT Diner Owner Reaches Out to High School Students to Help With Staff Shortages
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Connecticut Doctor Accused of Providing Fake Vaccination Records + Mask Exemption to Patients
Or you could just get a vaccination...