What Was the Biggest Party Foul You Saw Over the Holiday Weekend?
Memorial Day weekend is a great time to get together with family and friends and knock a few back. It can also be the backdrop for an epic party foul/meltdown.
Now, I have ruined a party or two in my life and went on apology tours like you read about, but I've also played witness to others ruining a good time.
One Halloween party comes to mind -- this girl and her boyfriend got out of control. After they got drunk, argued with one another, and took issue with a few other guests for no reason, they threw up on each other with some innocent people inside the blast zone.
They were then put to sleep in a closet with bottles of water and a few blankets. After about twenty minutes of recapping the action, the party was back in full swing. A few hours later, the couple woke up, grabbed some beers, and picked up right where they left off.
It was at that point that people just started leaving in droves. They were like hecklers at a stand up comedy show. They made the whole evening about them in a bad way. Did you see a major party foul over the holiday weekend? We want to hear about it. Leave your comment here, and we will read them on the Ethan and Lou show tomorrow.
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