UCONN Unmasked Dorm Partiers Kicked Out of On-Campus Housing
And this is why we can't have nice things.

All it took was a bunch of UCONN students not paying attention to the rules that might ruin it for other students. The Hartford Courant has reported that some UCONN students have been ordered to leave their on-campus dorms after a video began circulating of a jam-packed dorm room party where no social distancing and no masks were being worn. Some University officials were angered by the non-mask wearing students saying,
Students are not only endangering their own health and well being, but that of others.
The college partying no-mask situation has been going on all across the country, not just UCONN, but, some University officials have said there is no need for alarm. Out of 3,850 students tested at UCONN, only five have tested positive, which means the positivity rate is only 0.13%, which is well below the state's average. Right now, here's what is going on at colleges and universities across the country.
The latest update regarding the reopening of Danbury schools came at the end of July when it was determined that Danbury will start school by instituting the hybrid model which is a blend of in-person and distance learning. New Haven schools will open using only the online method because of the fear of spreading the coronavirus.
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