That Moment When Your Cousin Sends a Bar Mitzvah Card for Your Kid’s Communion
Two of my boys made their communion this weekend. Both Chris and Lucas did a great job and we were all so proud of them.
They looked dapper and were well-behaved in church. We took a million family photos and had a memorable day. With all of the great moments you might have a tough time believing that a gift card would be the most memorable part of the day. That is what happened, though.
My cousin, Michael, could not make it out, so he sent along the Bar Mitzvah card. Hilarious. I got right on the phone with him and thanked him for the laugh. That is when he told me his fiance did not want him to send it. She said they might get upset or not understand. Lindsey, we were not upset, and it was a great highlight of the day. Welcome to the family, young lady -- we are weird.
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