‘Sheik’ the Pet Camel Moves Into Ridgefield Neighborhood
A couple who recently moved to Ridgefield has brought along their 8 foot, 1,800-pound camel named Sheik.
The couple, Robb and Stefanie Heering, who moved from Florida to Ridgefield quickly became the buzz of the town when they moved into town with their 3-year-old pet camel. According to the NewsTimes, Sheik has been welcomed with open arms. Robb Heering told the NewsTimes:
Last Saturday we had 100 to 150 people here, just to say, 'hi.' It became the news of the town.
Why a camel, you ask? The Heerings rescued the animal from a fair's petting zoo when he was two-months-old, where he was separated from his mother and was given sedatives. The drugs calmed the camel down so it was more approachable at the petting zoo.
The Heerings have since established a non-profit called International Camel Rescue. He also found out that in the United Arab Emirates there is a 6,000 camel-dairy farm. Camel's milk contains many more nutrients and is healthier than cow's milk. The Heerings' currently have camel's milk for sale and have set up visiting hours to meet Sheik the Camel which are 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. Check out the video of a camel dairy farm in Queensland Australia and meet Maxie and Bam Bam.
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