Dr. Sadie Allison is a sexologist, relationship expert and best selling author, she's also a friend of the Ethan and Lou Morning Radio Show on I-95 in Danbury, CT.

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The good doctor comes on our show at the same time every year, right before Valentine's Day for what always proves to be a provocative discussion. Once Ethan and I are done tripping over our awkward compliments of Sadie's work, we like to ask Sadie to provide some advice to the men in our audience.

This year her advice resonated with us, and I think it can be helpful for men, women or anyone in a long-term relationship, she said:

"It's all about trying something new because in any part of life, especially when you're in a long relationship things get into kind of a groove. You kind of end up doing the same stuff, and it can get stale, that's just life. We all have experienced that, so the only way to do it, there is no magical answer, you're just making an effort to say, OK, I'm going to make this a priority and we're going to do something different in the bedroom."

Sadie did caution us, and all of our male listeners that foreplay actually begins first thing in the morning and that we should all attempt to seduce our significant other throughout the day in different and fun ways. Sadie went on to talk about simplifying the process by getting back to the basics. She told us that we already know how to freshen up our relationships, saying:

"Getting back to the basics, when you think back, when you first started dating, what were the little things when you were super in love and there was unconditional love and excitement going on, what were the kinds of things you guys liked to do back then. And maybe kind of plan a date night, whether it was bowling or a favorite place you guy liked to walk and you would hold hands. So, going back to the beginning and bringing some excitement and enthusiasm." 

That may be the first time in the history of Planet Earth that a woman suggested bowling as a way to accomplish your love goals.

You can listen to our entire interview with Sadie in the Youtube video at the top of the page. WARNING: Adult themes and language. 

P.S. We shared something with Sadie that she loved, it's an acronym we created on the Ethan and Lou Show with the help of one of our listeners. If you want to get your relationship back on track you need:

  • Listening
  • Understanding
  • Support
  • Trust

Or L.U.S.T. Boom, I just blew your mind.

P.S. #2 - My internal work server won't let me access Sadie's website (no joke), so search Tickle Kitty when you have a free moment away from the kids and the office.

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