Rex and Rob Ryan in a Brawl at Margaritaville Sounds About Right
The Ryans were always larger than life characters and never really came across as the classiest of guys. I always found them entertaining though. Downtime for the two former football coaches is not working out so great it seems. I mean, what else could you gather when video of them in a fight at a bar surfaces online:
Just bringing it to the people in a bar chain in Nashville, that's what the Ryans are about these days. Let's throw on some 6X sized t-shirts and get some cheap food and booze they said.
I don't think it's a stretch to say that this is 100% Rob Ryan's fault. I'm sure Rex has no problem throwing down, but he has always seemed like the more put together of the two. Rob has been pulling Rex down for years. Everywhere Rex goes to coach he always tries to and sometimes does bring Rob with him. It almost never works out. I'm willing to bet someone called Rob a crappy coach and he just went off. At that point, Rex has to throw hands. It's his brother for better or worse.
The two will be in the Lingerie Football League before you know it.
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