Remember Jay Coffey? The Former Danbury Radio Personality Joined the Ethan + Lou Show
Recently, Ethan Carey and I decided it was time to tell the story of the mighty I95. We wanted to tell this tale from the perspective of the people who lived it, so the I95 Alumni interview series was born.

The Brookfield / Danbury radio station has been on the air since 1976 and there are many personalities that make up the tapestry of I95, one of those people is Jay Coffey.
Jay Coffey was an I95 radio personality for nearly 10 years ('03-13) and a huge part of the brand during that time period. Recently, (2/16/22) Jay joined the Ethan & Lou Show to look back at that time and share what he's been up to since. Below is our entire interview with him.
There is not one moment that stands out to me about Jay. Instead it was the body of work that he created in those tens years and the friendship I developed with him.
I have always been impressed with the Carey & Coffey Show. Jay Coffey and Matt Carey developed a NASCAR show from nothing, and turned it into an extremely successful syndicated radio program.
That show could still be on the air today, if they wanted it to. No one asked Jay or Matt to leave, instead the show grew right until it's ending.
These guys became known as the best personality driven show in all of NASCAR and deserved all of the accolades they got.
The time period that Jay was here is special to me, and I know it was. to a lot of listeners as well. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, at that time, there was comradery and competition in the halls at I-95 and it brought out the best in everyone.
You would look at the desk next to you, knowing that person sitting there could do your job, and that drove each of us everyday. At one point, there were 5 morning show guys and 2 syndicated hosts in one building. We'd antagonize each other, push one another, and exchange ideas, Jay was a big part of that.
I was a fan of Jay Coffey's work and that is saying a lot, as a radio professional. No matter how much, or little I liked someone, I could always put an objective eye on their talent, and I either respected their work or I did not.
I liked Jay, I respected him and was a fan of what he did. The list of people I can say that about is very short. I miss having my friends here, while this interview series is about looking back at I95's history, it's also an excuse for me to see and talk to my them again.
P.S. Jay also happened to be the author of one of the best nicknames I've ever had. At a certain point, I was referred to as loumilano.com. I had built my own website to display all of my work, and there was not much to display at that point.
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