Expect More Holiday Traffic in 2017 Than in Past 12 Years
According to AAA the holiday traffic this long weekend will be awful. They estimate that 51 million American's will hit the roads and that will be the most in 12 years. The article sights a strong economy and rising incomes for the increase in travel this season.
I've done a holiday road trip or two in my life. It can be awful and it can be not so bad. In baseball they say "hit it where they ain't." The same applies here. You have two choices. You plan your trip in such a way that the whole thing takes place in the middle of the night or you will sit in terrible traffic.
For single people or couples with no kids this is easy to pull off. For families with kids, you have a lot of considerations here. What will traveling under the cover of dark to the kids sleep and eating schedules the first few days of the trip? Is it OK to wake them in the middle of the night just to avoid traffic?
That's your Sophie's Choice here, good luck, it's never easy.
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