Bohemian Rhapsody star Rami Malek has once again addressed the claims of sexual assault made against director Bryan Singer, who helmed the Queen biopic until his firing in December 2017. While being recognized for his performance of Freddie Mercury, Malek offered his support to victims of sexual abuse and briefly addressed the difficulties of his time working with Singer.

As noted by The Hollywood Reporter, Malek was asked about the new allegations while taking part a discussion at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival moderated by Scott Feinberg. "My heart goes out to anyone who has to live through anything like what I've heard and what is out there," the actor said. "It's awful, it's remarkable that this happens, I can appreciate so much what they've been through and how difficult this must be for them. In the light of the #MeToo era that this somehow seems to exist after that, it's a horrible thing."

Last week, The Atlantic concluded a year-long investigation of Singer, accusing him of a 20-year pattern of sexual activity, consensual and forced, on teenage boys. Malek said at the time that he was unaware of the situation during the filming -- one lawsuit was filed a few days after his dismissal -- and now added that he had trouble discussing it because he felt it would detract from the focus on Queen. Singer has denied all the charges, calling it a "homophobic smear piece" written by a "homophobic journalist who has a bizarre obsession with me dating back to 1997."

But last night he said that he didn't "want anyone to not feel like they can share their story," he continued. "I've sat here and talked about how everyone deserves a voice and anyone who wants to talk about what happened with Bryan deserves to have their voice heard. In my situation with Bryan, it was not pleasant, not at all. And that's about what I can say about it at this point."

After the applause died down, he said, "For anyone who is seeking any solace in all of this, Bryan Singer was fired. Bryan Singer was fired, I don't think that was something anyone saw coming but I think that had to happen and it did."

At the time of Singer's firing, it was reported that he and Malek clashed openly on the set.


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