PHONE SCAM ALERT for Elderly Connecticut Citizens
It's baaaaack! After a two-year break, a phone scam that targets the elderly has returned.
Hey, wait a minute, I'm a senior citizen! The nature of the flimflam, according to the Danbury Daily Voice, is that a shady individual will call you from out of the blue, telling you that your grandchild has been in a motor vehicle accident in New York City and needs money to stay out of jail.
Officials are instructing the public that if you receive this kind of call, hang up immediately. Don't even listen to their pitch. Here's my solution to this kind of bamboozlement: Don't answer your phone if you don't recognize the phone number. If a friend or a member of your family wants to talk with you badly enough, they will leave a message.
Don't be duped by one of these deplorable human beings, don't ask where they got your number. Don't even let them begin a conversation. The New Canaan Police Department told the Danbury Daily Voice:
Don't give any money and attempt to verify the well-being of your actual grandchild. Again, don't agree to give any money.
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