Not Surprisingly, Connecticut Warns Drivers of Increased Deer Activity
Beware. The deer and moose in Connecticut are at it again.
It's that time of year. More wildlife activity, and all that rutting means you need to be vigilant while you drive around Connecticut. Yes, breeding season is here.
In a press release just issued from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection officials are warning drivers to be extra careful because of increased deer activity. Rick Jacobson, Director of the DEEP Wildlife Division says:
During 2016, approximately 3,700 deer were killed in the state due to collisions with vehicles. Over 40 moose-vehicle accidents have been reported in Connecticut between 1995 and 2016, with an average of two per year since 2002. Two moose-vehicle accidents have already occurred this past September.
Reality is that the state is seeing more deer, and yes even moose. So be aware of your surroundings when you drive. Another great reason to never text and drive!
The DEEP wants you to know that all moose and deer vehicle collisions should be reported to local, state, or DEEP Environmental Conservation Police Officers. The phone number is 860-424-3333
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