A River Bar is a Possibility for the Future in New Milford
Mayor Pete Bass joined the I-95 Morning Show on Tuesday (4/11/23) to talk about all things New Milford. We asked him what he'd like to see accomplished in the near future and he brought up the riverfront revitalization project, saying:
"Revitalizing that whole lower area by the river and create that real synergy with our beautiful downtown. The river and the additional development that we can do down there to really transform that area."
Once he mentioned the river, I felt the need to spring my usual idea on him. I believe there needs to be more bars in town and the river would be a great spot. I asked the Mayor if he'd be in favor of a river bar. This is how he responded:
"That would be pretty good. If we could do that, it'd be pretty wonderful. Anything that could transform that area."
While he was not opposed to my booze plan, the Mayor has loftier, more respectable goals like linking the Greater Danbury up with a massive walking path. He said:
"I know we've been working on the riverfront, the river trail that we've done that brings parts of the river course into the downtown. We've also, we're trying to go from bridge-to-bridge-to-bridge. That would be Boardman Bridge to Veteran's Bridge which is here in the middle and then to the south, you have the other bridge there. So the goal is to do, at some point in time, a full river walk all the way through there and then connect with Brookfield and then Brookfield connects to Danbury and then Danbury connects all the way down to Norwalk."
You can listen to our entire interview with New Milford Mayor Pete Bass below. We also discussed the new Dairy Queen, proposed housing for Church Street and his love for the New York Jets.
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