New Fairfield Town Officials Discuss Distribution of Coronavirus Vaccine
Like many towns throughout Connecticut, my home town of New Fairfield has found themselves now in the "red" zone for having an average daily new case rate of at least 15 per 100,000 residents in the last two weeks.
With most of the country experiencing mega jumps in coronavirus infections, I am trying not to panic like many Americans. As I was reading the News-Times today, I came upon an article about how town officials in New Fairfield are having discussions on formulating a plan for vaccinations in town once they become available.
Selectman Khris Hall and New Fairfield's health director, Tim Simpkins, are working together to develop a plan according to CDC guidelines to prioritize vaccine distribution. Here's what Selectman Khris Hall told the newstimes,
We're soliciting information. We already have a list of people with disabilities and some medical conditions. We want to make sure we catch everybody so that we can let them know when the vaccine comes and when we'll be ready to give it to them.
She went on to say that most likely, health care workers will be first and then the critical workforce, which will likely include teachers and administrators followed by residents with health vulnerabilities.
An essential part of the distribution process will be a "whole slew of volunteers" from individuals who will give the vaccinations to individuals manning the computers and data entry.