My Wife, Mindy, Plunges 13,500 Feet to Celebrate Her 65th Birthday
When my wife, Mindy, told me she wanted to jump out of an airplane to celebrate her 65th birthday, I just about plotzed!
I'm assuming that most women looking down the road at a monumental birthday milestone such as their 50th, 60th, or 65th, might initiate a conversation with their husbands regarding their preference for that all-important birthday gift. I thought Mindy might hint at a trip to Israel or maybe a cruise to the Greek Islands. Was I way off base or what?
No, her reason for going skydiving was not to be harnessed together with a younger guy, at least I don't think it was. When she told me she wanted to jump out of an airplane from 13,500 feet, I wasn't crazy about it. In fact, I think I might have said, "No f-----g way!" Your first jump must be a tandem jump with a certified skydiving instructor.
Honestly, that smile on her face during the slideshow remained in place for the entire two hours we were at Skydiving, The Ranch. Her favorite part of the parachuting experience was the free fall, where you're plummeting to earth traveling about 120 mph before the chute opens. She told me that once the chute is engaged, you begin to drift quietly down to earth for about 5 to 7 minutes. The free fall lasts about 60 seconds. As soon as she and her instructor, John Kieran landed smooth as silk, she immediately was ready to go again. She's quite the character.
Are you ready for your first skydiving experience? I highly recommend Skydiving, The Ranch, which is in Gardiner, NY. For information and pricing, click on Skydiving, The Ranch.
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