MISSING: Lake Carmel Closed After Connecticut Man Goes Missing
A Connecticut man who was swimming in Lake Carmel was reported missing at 7:35 on Saturday evening, July 20.
Lake Carmel has been closed to boaters and swimmers as emergency responders continue the search for a Connecticut man in his 50'saccording to News 12 in Westchester.
The Lake Carmel Fire Dept. told News 12 that the man had been swimming in the lake on Saturday afternoon but failed to return home. When police responded, they found the missing man's vehicle still parked on the beach. Assistant Chief, Ken Launzinger told News 12:
He sent his wife a text saying he was going to swim and he would be home at a certain time. When he didn't report home, the wife came out, called the police department. We were called probably 7:30 last night.
According to Launzinger, three boats and a helicopter are out carefully searching every inch of Lake Carmel. Launzinger went on to say:
The search is especially difficult because the water is not clear and around 11 feet deep.
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